Public Health

Public Health

The university monitors local, regional, and nationwide data and works closely with our public health experts at the university to ensure our response to various infectious diseases continues to be grounded in our academic and research mission, and our commitment to science and expert guidance with the goal of protecting our community members. This page will be updated regularly with relevant guidance.

Being a part of the IUSA community means not only taking care of yourself but also supporting the health and safety of those around you. There are many ways that your actions can help protect you and others from various illnesses. There are a number of steps you can take to stay healthy, including:


Maintain a regular sleep schedule, adequate hydration and healthy nutrition, which can help boost your immune system


Move your body daily, either in a regular exercise routine or through daily activities such as walking between classes or during lunch or by taking the stairs.


Spend time outdoors when you can.


Wash your hands regularly to help prevent the spread of infection.


Don’t neglect your mental health and find healthy ways to connect with your support system.

Sickness can occur even when taking the utmost precautions. If you are not feeling well, please seek medical evaluation.